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Adjusting Bit Rate: How much does it affect recorded video quality with IP Cameras?

Adjusting Bit Rate on IP Cameras We were recently told by a few customers “I don’t want to adjust the bit rate on my cameras, because it’ll make them useless.” This got us thinking. Just how much does bitrate affect quality of a recorded video? We’re going to take a look at just that. To […]

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Uniarch Entry Level IP Surveillance

Uniarch Entry Level IP Surveillance Cameras and Systems What is Uniarch? Think IP Cameras with an ultra-affordable price, a reliable quality guarantee, and easy-to-use. Now add a ton of features not normally seen in entry level IP surveillance and you get Uniarch by Uniview! We are constantly asked for a lower priced IP option for […]

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IP Camera Video Broadcasting

IP Camera Video Broadcasting to Your Website or Social Media Did you know that you can use an IP Camera to broadcast a live stream of your meeting, church service, class or gathering, to YouTube, Facebook, or your Website? Well, you can. With our IP Camera Video Broadcasting Service, you can reach more people by […]

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How to set the System Time and DST on Uniview

Setting the System Time and DST on Uniview Uniview System Time and DST settings.   Manually Setting or Synchronizing the System Time 1. Click Setup > Common > Time, and then click the Time tab. 2. Select a synchronization mode. 3. Set the correct time zone and system time. You may also click Sync with Computer Time to synchronize the […]

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